Wes ” Maestro ” Williams has been called upon for several different presentations ranging from elementary schools, to corporate , to sports banquets to the swearing in of new Canadian immigrants . Being selected to speak at Tedx Vancouver is a thrill for him.

He has made a major impact on his community as a recording artist and this has transcended into many different aspects throughout his professional career.

After hearing Wes present, the passion that he exuded while he spoke, really set my mind to continue to support my student's learning and help guide them in promoting positive behaviours and goals that will continue long into their adult lives. Wes' ability to captivate the audience was effortless and he spoke with such confidence that anyone would feel motivated to continue through any challenges that may be bestowed upon them. I truly feel that Wes has found yet another niche in life and with no question he should continue, on his path of success.

- Teacher, Clark Boulevard, P.S. Brampton

Let us not forget how our everyday actions, attitudes, and words impact students....Wes Williams helped us turn that magic switch back on! Inspiring, and most importantly highly engaging. The students were focused, attentive and very appreciative of his words of inspiration. Wes allowed our young people an opportunity to believe in themselves, their abilities and set goals for success in the future. His brilliant artistic ability enhanced the presentation and allowed for some amazing moments of entertainment while delivering a powerful message of inspiration to the students. One of our best assemblies to date.....students want him back!!!

- Principal, Iona Catholic Secondary School

Wes Williams was a motivational and inspirational speaker that engaged the students throughout his presentation at Iona Secondary school in Mississauga. He is a role model to all the young people who want to pursue their own dreams. Wes message had a positive influence this generation needs for success. By having Wes Wills speak in our high school, helped our students “Stick to their Vision”.

- Teacher, Iona Catholic Secondary School